


特立尼达州(TSC)与退伍军人管理局合作,协助管理 为退伍军人或符合条件的人提供各种教育福利计划 退伍军人家属. TSC is approved by the Colorado State Approving Agency for 退伍军人教育,以及我们所有的学位和证书课程都得到了批准 payment of educational 好处 to eligible veterans and dependents. 资深教育 福利由学校认证通过财政援助办公室管理 官方(上海合作组织). 的 primary function of the SCO is to certify and report enrollment information to the VA to facilitate the students' benefit payments.

退伍军人学校认证官员(SCO)位于经济援助区 伯格大厦209室. 的 SCO's can assist students in utilizing their VA 教育al Benefits and/or 军事学费援助. 所有的SCO每年完成一次 通过退伍军人管理局进行在线培训,以及参加年度培训 科罗拉多退伍军人教育批准机构和地区的会议 VA 教育 Liaison Representatives. Our SCO's also serve as financial aid representatives, and are qualified to assist students in obtaining Federal Title IV funding, state funding, scholarships, and other grant or payment options.


  • First apply for VA 好处 through the VA 网站: http://benefits.va.gov/ gibill
  • 提交以前参加过的任何机构和你的军队的正式成绩单 joint transcript(s) for transfer evaluation. 成绩单 should be sent to the 招生 Office at Trinidad State, 600 Prospect St.特立尼达,CO . 81082.
    • Joint Service Military 成绩单, can be ordered online at: http://jst.doded.mil/official.html
    • If transferring to Trinidad State and education 好处 were used elsewhere, VA Form 22-1995 Request for Change of Program or Place of Training must be submitted 到财政援助办公室
  • Be seeking a degree or certificate program approved for education 好处
  • 提交一份 资深的DD214 showing the discharge status 到财政援助办公室
  • 提交一份你的 资格证明书 到财政援助办公室
  • 完成 注册申请意向书
  • 提交一份由你的学术顾问为每个学位/证书签名的学位计划副本 你在寻找.

Every subsequent semester at Trinidad State you must:

  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • 完成 注册申请意向书
  • 只有在以下情况下,才能提交由学术顾问签署的学位计划的新副本 are changing or adding a new degree/certificate.

您必须提交注册申请意向和任何新学位 你可能需要每个学期的计划,你希望在世界杯滚球使用你的福利.  如果我们没有收到您提交的表格,您将无法在VA系统中获得认证. 这将导致你的学费和费用支付的延迟,以及任何适用的 住房和书费津贴.

为协助VA正确付款,学生应立即通知VA 学校认证官员(SCO)的任何注册变更,课程退课,退学, or any dates you stop attending classes.  Enrollment will be checked after census date of each semester of attendance and any adjustments will be made at that time. Census date is generally two weeks after classes begin. 请给VA 30天的时间 after enrollment certification to pay any 好处 to you or the school.

*您应对因减少或终止您的合同而产生的所有债务负责 即使付款是直接以您的名义提交给学校,也可以注册.


  • Contact the VA Certifying Official:
    Director of 金融援助 and VA Certifying Official
    (719) 846-5017 or 1-888-872-1925 ext. 5017
    电子邮件: 克里斯蒂娜.sisneros@lunchpenny.com
  • 学业辅导、求职支持、学生服务、学生成功中心:
  • 记录 & transcripts, are located in the Berg Building, Room 108  on the Trinidad 校园,
  • 的 on-campus 住房 Office is located in O’Connor Hall.
  • 的 特立尼达的校园 书店 is located in the Sullivan Center.
    山谷校园虚拟书店: http://tsjcbookstore.com/

我们专门的SCO将指导学生完成整个过程,并帮助他们建立联系 他们需要适当的服务. Or, please go to our home page to locate a specific 校园部门.

美国.S. Department of Defense (DoD) administers the 军事学费援助 Program (TA). 助教计划 is available to members of all service branches (Army, Marine 陆军,海军,空军)和美国.S. 海岸警卫队. 国民警卫队成员和 Reserve Components may be eligible based on their service eligibility. 助教计划 是否会全额支付军人的大学学费和其他费用 到定义的极限. 助教计划 is separate than the VA education benefit programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. 然而,一些退伍军人的教育 programs, such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill®,可以配合TA项目并补充其他学校的费用 related expenses not covered by TA. To learn more about the VA 教育al Program, 请访问退伍军人法案® 网站. http://www.va.gov/. 要与校园内的军事/退伍军人代表交谈,请联系VA认证 上面列出的官员.

申请和提供学费援助是服务人员的责任 the TA Authorization documents to the Cashier's Office (located in Berg Building, room 209, prior to the start of each semester. 的 service member must receive approval from a Military 教育al Service Officer (ESO) prior to enrolling in courses; if 没有收到批准,服务成员可以单独负责所有学费 成本. 每个服务分支都有自己的资格标准、程序和应用程序 形式. To find out how to get started, visit with your branch ESO or military counselor, or click on the link below that pertains to your branch:
| 军队 | 海军陆战队 | 海军 | 空军 |

军事助教受助人也有资格考虑所有其他形式的财政资助 aid that is available to all students. Service members are encouraged to apply for Title IV federal student aid, state aid, and scholarships. 去我们的 经济援助页面 to learn how to apply for other aid. TA students who are also eligible for the federal Pell grant will have their TA 好处 applied towards their account prior to the 申请佩尔助学金. TA 好处 will be applied to tuition and course-specific 而佩尔助学金可以用于其他允许的教育费用. If the service members drops his/her courses before the census date (last date to drop a class), TSC is required to return all TA funds to the military branch. 的 助教返还政策与联邦学生资助返还政策一致,其中任何未获得的 补助金将按比例返还至少60%的期限 for which the funds were provided. Should the service member stop attending school 由于服兵役的义务,TSC将与学生一起帮助防止 any student debt resulting from the returned TA portion. For all unofficial withdrawals/drops, 我们将尝试确定学生最后一次上课或参与的日期 and will use that date for calculating the return of funds.

课程完成百分比 退还TA未赚资金的百分比
16-30% 50%
31-40% 40%
41-50% 30%
51-60% 10%
61-100% 0%


Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits:
可能有资金可以帮助需要职业/职业教育的学生 rehabilitation because of physical or emotional handicaps. 这些资金有助于支付 学费、杂费、书本费、用品费、维修费、医疗费和交通费. You may call your local Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Office.

特立尼达州立学院是由科罗拉多州退伍军人批准机构批准的 教育. Our degree and certificate programs are approved for payment of educational 那些退伍军人和家属的福利,由退伍军人决定符合条件 政府.

资深教育 好处 are administered through the Trinidad State  金融 援助办公室.  While this office cannot determine eligibility, the primary function 学校认证官员(SCO)的职责是认证和报告入学信息 给退伍军人管理局,以方便符合条件的学生获得福利.

军事学费援助(TA)授予学生的假设是 该学生将在获得资助的整个期间上学. 当学生退学时,学生可能不再有资格获得全额奖学金 原始拨款的拨款.

为了遵守新的国防部政策,特立尼达州立学院将返回 在至少60%的期间内,按比例分配任何未赚取的助教资金 for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending. 这些 funds are returned to the military Service branch.

当一名军人由于服兵役义务而停止参加活动时, 教育机构将与受影响的服务人员一起确定 solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion.

学校保留了学生以前的教育和培训的书面记录 veteran or eligible person and clearly indicates that appropriate credit has been 鉴于以前的教育和培训,培训时间按比例缩短; 退伍军人或符合条件的人,以及退伍军人事务部.

  • 世界杯滚球 keeps all VA records for three years
  • 记录 are maintained and housed on the Trinidad main campus

For questions or to set up an appointment, please contact:

  • Contact the VA Certifying Official:
    Director of 金融援助 and VA Certifying Official
    (719) 846-5017 or 1-888-872-1925 ext. 5017
    电子邮件: 克里斯蒂娜.sisneros@lunchpenny.com

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关VA提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问官方网站 U.S. 政府网站 http://www.benefits.va.gov/ gibill .